This is a very big and generally,"shocking",story[naturally].I shall be making small additions, in regular intervals.
1.The so-called,"under-recoveries" claimed by the OMCs,have exposed the so-called "experts",Panels and Committees,appointed by the UPA as frauds.
This raises serious doubts, about the Sachar Report.It is strongly suspected to be due to the USA's influence and the so-called Fulbright-Nehru Scholarship,in the "Education Agreement",signed by Hillary Clinton and Kapil Sibal on behalf of their respective nations.One,shocking fact is that this above-mentioned Scholarship,explcitly and quite openly mentions about "OUTREACH TO MUSLIMS". This is also,dangerous,as this amounts to :-
i.USA's blatant interference in India's internal affairs,creating religious Division,thus compromising on the National Integration.
ii.Un-constitutional nature.
2.India is being ruled from outside the Nation.
For example,after the Commissioning of the Bhatinda Refinery,a PPP affair of HPCL with L.N.Mittal,member,Club Of 300,the demand for and actual hiking in Diesel,Kerosene,LPG etc has been vociferous by the vested interests and very high.
This means India is for,by and of the Globalist Elites.
M M Singh and Raghuram Rajan are reported to be from the IMF ad are very strongly suspected to be its puppets.
Please google for:-
IMF Riot
Shell India,is a Co of the Rothschilds and Total of France.Ex-CEO of Shell India,Vikram Singh Mehta,was ADVISOR to the Ministry Of Oil And Gas,for 4 years,probably in the 21st century.
Many Globalist Elites,have influenced the Indian Government from at least 1950,via UNESCO,etc,reportedly.
The Globalists ,do the following to the majority of a nation:-
i)Create inferiority complex
ii)Make them be ruled over by the minority
iii)Cultural invasion by bringing in IMMORALITY.
Some Female and Male authors in India,who are ribald etc,are puppets of the Globalist Elites.
iv)Divide the Nation,so that the Majority will be weak,as the Majority are the ones who will oppose oppression.
v) Misuse the Media to attack the Intellectuals of the Majority.Some Movies "attacking" and making fun of the Uppermost caste,are examples.The person/s, making fun will belong to the Minority .
vi)They create Chaos and resort to violence to besmear the majority,Gladio-style.
Godhra,Kanadhamal,Lakhisarai,Bastar 2013 are complex tricks of the Globalists to besmear the Majority.
vii) UN is and the erstwhile League Of Nations,was,the tool of the Globalists to form One World Totalitarian Government.
3.Since so much control/curbs has/have, been imposed on Gold,it is reported that this Royal Metal is being smuggled into India from Thailand.
There is a possibility that BitCoin may replace Gold,in preserving ones wealth.Its worth has risen from $140 to 395,in a few months!
Physically-held,Palladium and Platinum,have also tremendous possibilities,as alternatives for Gold.
4.Globalization,means,Business with cheap available resources.
Business is given more importance than the over-all well-being of the Citizens of a nation.That is,Oligarchs and their profits,are more important.
Thus Globalization means or ushers in ,Oligarchy.
viii)The Globalist Elites make the Majority "FEEL" GUILTY,by creating False Flag Operations and blaming the Majority for them,.!
5.In India,PSUs are being destroyed from 2004,and there are efforts to transfer the Wealth and natural resources of the nation to the Private Players and the MNCs.Thus CoalGate and the Thorium scam,reported to be worth Rs 48 Lakh Crores,try to achieve the above aims.
While in the former case India was saved,the Thorium scam,worth Rs 48 Lakh Crore,seems to be a fait acompli.
6.Population reduction,aso,called,DEPOPULATION,Eugenics etc ,are going on,misusing many Healthcare,Food and Social plans.
Thus vaccination,allowing Food to rot,allowing Floods to wreck havoc year after year,ae some of the examples.After Floods occur,money is spent on Charity,repairs etc.If the same money, is used to PREVENT Floods,in addition to less damages,Monetary Gain will also result.
7.Aadhaar is reported to be for Surveillance for,maintaining One World Totalitarian Government.
UN is a from of One World Totalitarian Government.
8.The Stock,Currency and Commodities Markets are manipulated misusing the Derivatives.
The Stocks are actually for:-
i)Acquisitions via stakes.Divestment out of PSUs,is a form of Acquisition by Foreigners,
ii)Stock Markets are misused for making a nation lose Sovereignty,by DIVESTMENT of her PSUs.
To be continued......