1.India's firm tilt towards the USA,increasing US Treasury Holdings to $256.17 billion [as on 9th April,2020 ],while the nation remains poor, starvation and Homelessness are high.Many poor in India use Open Toilet.
The RBI's Forex reserves mainly contain FIAT Currencies and,comparatively, negligible Gold.
Modi seems to admire the USA and seems, to want to,"Americanize" India!
2.Obama was the guest for the Republic day,in 2015.
3.India's Trilateral Commission[like USA,Canada and Japan],with the USA and Japan,to counter threats from China.
4.About 241 cases against the US MNCs in India were cancelled during Obama's visit.
5.Modi's fascination with GMO.He is having a GMO "Mustard' garden in his house in Delhi.He is the one who encouraged Bt Cotton in Gujarat.
6.Keep the US Dollar strong,by suppressing the price of Gold.Gold Monetization/Deposit Schemes,to perhaps,swap the Gold thus obtained,with the BIS and other Central Banks,by the RBI and India's Commercial banks.The Gold Tungsten Scam also poses a threat,in this scheme.
The following from THIS link,is saying the obvious:-The RBI's Forex reserves mainly contain FIAT Currencies and,comparatively, negligible Gold.
Modi seems to admire the USA and seems, to want to,"Americanize" India!
2.Obama was the guest for the Republic day,in 2015.
3.India's Trilateral Commission[like USA,Canada and Japan],with the USA and Japan,to counter threats from China.
4.About 241 cases against the US MNCs in India were cancelled during Obama's visit.
5.Modi's fascination with GMO.He is having a GMO "Mustard' garden in his house in Delhi.He is the one who encouraged Bt Cotton in Gujarat.
6.Keep the US Dollar strong,by suppressing the price of Gold.Gold Monetization/Deposit Schemes,to perhaps,swap the Gold thus obtained,with the BIS and other Central Banks,by the RBI and India's Commercial banks.The Gold Tungsten Scam also poses a threat,in this scheme.
"Conclusion: Peter Boehringer has shown in this interview that there in no proof that the German gold exists as a physical asset of the Bundesbank. He states that he firmly believes that the gold that is reported as being stored in the Bundesbank vaults does exist. Belief is a religious term. In the world of law and commerce evidence is required. Unfortunately there is none. The information available about this subject was sufficient to shatter the confidence of foreign governments in the integrity of US institutions. There are now 16 countries where gold repatriations are demanded or in full swing. To buy back several thousand tons of physical gold in secret is a daunting target in a market where it is already difficult to buy half a ton of gold. The historically unprecedented recall of physical gold explains the desperate attempts by the big players, supposedly the US (Federal Reserve Bank, US Treasury, ultra secretive US Exchange Stabilisation Fund) and allied authorities (Bank of England, Bank for International Settlements) to smash the gold price and to trigger panic sales among gold holders. As forced buyers they are in corner and there is no way out without massive loss in wealth and reputation.
P.S. There is a very good video by Grant Williams about the collapse of gold fractional reserve banking ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzzoBVK3fyE ). He made this video in March 2013. He is a real prophet and saw this development coming."
Will the NDA make India,lose her Gold?Former French colonies of Africa have to,COMPULSORILY buy French Govt Bonds,as per reports.This is stopped,as at the end of 2019. Is India's US Treasury Holding,312 MT of Gold,with the BoE & BIS,similar to this?
7.Smart Cities and Aadhaar are for Surveillance.
8.Ru-Pay Credit Cards are offered to the poor,for ushering in a Cashless Society.The vested interests ,do not want the masses to possess tangibles as wealth,and their wealth should be in the "cloud" known to the Governments.Cashless Society is to confiscate the wealth of the citizens via NIRP.This is difficult or not fully achievable,when cash is around.
9.RBI is reported to be controlled by the BIS and hence IMF,the US Federal Reserve,BoE etc.
10.NDA, also seems under the control of Bilderberg,CFR,G 20, etc. Hence Bankers' and Corporations' [Oligarchy,in the Democratic Republic Of India],control in India is increasing.
11.All the PSU's Cash is very low,now,due share buyback from the GOI ,higher Dividends etc.Are the said PSUs being destroyed to accelerate Privatization?
Will be continued........
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