1.Bio-Weapons and -Warfare are in themselves big topics covering vast areas.
The EU Comic Book,"INFECTED" predicted what is happening now,in 2012!2.The proposed,anti-dote ,by the vested interests,is a Universal Vaccine,containing nano-Microchip,to ID and track a person.This is why the FIXATION on a Vaccine,instead of a Medicine to cure.In the case of SARS,Blood Plasma from a recovered patient was used and hence NO Vaccine for the same,at least in India.
3.Cui Bono? This will provide answers.
4. Use THIS link for latest numbers.
Bill Gates at it again!
5.The Economist’s “The World in 2019”
The Pangolin at the bottom is suspected to transmit the Cornavirus from Bats to Humans.
Pan-demic sounds like Pan-golin! It,PAN-GOLIN, is suspected to be threatened by EXTINCTION,which a Pan-demic also causes,sometimes,to all affected by it,at least the Humans.
The following is from Wikipedia :-
The EU Comic Book,"INFECTED" predicted what is happening now,in 2012!2.The proposed,anti-dote ,by the vested interests,is a Universal Vaccine,containing nano-Microchip,to ID and track a person.This is why the FIXATION on a Vaccine,instead of a Medicine to cure.In the case of SARS,Blood Plasma from a recovered patient was used and hence NO Vaccine for the same,at least in India.
3.Cui Bono? This will provide answers.
4. Use THIS link for latest numbers.
Bill Gates at it again!
5.The Economist’s “The World in 2019”
The Pangolin at the bottom is suspected to transmit the Cornavirus from Bats to Humans.
Pan-demic sounds like Pan-golin! It,PAN-GOLIN, is suspected to be threatened by EXTINCTION,which a Pan-demic also causes,sometimes,to all affected by it,at least the Humans.
The following is from Wikipedia :-
COVID-19 infection[edit]
Nucleic acid sequences of viruses taken from pangolins had initially been found to be a 99% match with SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus which causes COVID-19, and responsible for the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.[63][64] The working theory of researchers in Guangzhou, China, was that SARS-CoV-2 had originated in bats and, prior to infecting humans, was circulating among pangolins. The illicit Chinese trade of pangolins for use in traditional Chinese medicine was suggested as a vector for human transmission.[63][65] Researchers recently have implicated the pangolins as intermediate hosts in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as the discovery of multiple lineages of pangolin coronavirus and their similarity to SARS-CoV-2 suggests that pangolins are hosts for novel coronaviruses. [66] However, further study was less conclusive on pangolins as the definitive source of (SARS-CoV-2), namely being the bridge that the virus used to jump from bats to humans, after it emerged that the 99% match did not actually refer to the entire genome, but to a specific site known as the receptor-binding domain (RBD).[67] A whole-genome comparison found that the pangolin and human viruses share only 90.3% of their RNA.[67] Ecologists worried that the early speculation about pangolins being the source may have led to mass slaughters, endangering the animals further, which was similar to what happened to civets during the SARS
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